Starting at three years old, TLS kids get it all, every week, all year long. In addition to a core curriculum of reading, writing, and arithmetic, they move in and out to studios, gymnasiums, indoor and outdoor classrooms where teachers and coaches excite and challenge them.
Best school campus in Lexington: 40 acres with three playgrounds, two gymnasiums, modern library, and media center, project rooms, innovation labs, maker spaces, a theater, five athletic fields and Colt House, a historic home, woods with native trees, and a creek and so much more.
No more driving all over town from one activity to the next. All of this happens right in our own TLS back yard. Discover how your child can explore new opportunities, develop skills, master coursework by clicking on our offerings below.

After School activities are fun, creative, and active courses for children ages PreK-Grade 8. Encourage your student to extend their day and try something new after school!

Sports play an integral part in the educational program atTLS. Under the direction of its dedicated coaching staff athletes are taught a formula that can be applied to real-life situations: they learn to plan, prepare, perform, evaluate, and give full effort in everything they do.

Choose your own adventure and experience summer at The Lexington School. Three camps to choose from for children three years old to rising eighth grade. Your child can enjoy summer break while exercising their body and brain.